Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The Secret behind my CONSISTENCY!

Every person is inconsistent n his/her own way. Every artist follows his/her own heart, and that following of hearts leads to coming and going of different phases.

Have you ever complained to yourself of how inconsistent you are? Well, I have a solution for that. I understand that being inconsistent is not a great thing to achieve in your precious flowing time. But you can take the positive out of your negatives. Can’t you? Let’s say, ‘I am consistent in being inconsistent’. How about that? Does that feel better?

Well, I am not giving you an excuse to follow to be inconsistent, but now you know when someone will say how inconsistent you are, you will be ready with a stark mouth-shutting reply, ‘No I am not. I am consistent, but in being inconsistent’.

Well, I don’t promote being inconsistent, but this is how I am. I am very inconsistent, and the thing is, I love being inconsistent, then why not make it my strength instead of dwelling on I as my weakness. Following one’s heart is not a bad thing, and if I am doing so, and it is making me inconsistent, then I need to be consistent in being inconsistent.


Monday, 16 February 2015

Come and GO

Nothing’s permanent n this temporary world. You cannot rely on anyone but yourself to never to leave you. Either death will do its part, or the fate will; but the only thing that is permanent is change.

How can one live in the world where one knows that the person that will become the closest to you will leave you someday? How can one trust people who cannot be trusted even by the God himself? Why is living in this temporary world so devastating? Shouldn’t one rather focus on one’s present? But isn’t the present will decide one’s future?

I wish there was a world where people would be reliable; where people will never break anyone’s trust or promises. But everyone knows that world can only be a fantasy, and nothing more. Still, this is life. Isn’t it?

Expecting the unexpected. Exploring the new boundaries of your soul every turn of events. Passing through the tests whether you fail or qualify. Thinking about your future. Running after money instead of peace. What will it bring to you? At the end, you will be remembered through the eyes of those whom you loved the most, not by those who desolated you to let your part rot in the burning fire of your inner soul. Maybe you won’t be remembered after you reach the final peace, but isn’t what life is? To give you another chance in the same exploring world through the new eyes?

Humans come and go, yet it is you who will stay within you. Make yourself capable of living with yourself, whether people backstab you or maroon you, you know you were there for them, you know what you felt for them, you know who you really are.


Friday, 6 February 2015

Be GooD!

What is good? Doing good is what? Who decide whether you are doing anything good or bad? You? Or the society? Who is society? Isn’t it we human beings only? Then who decide what’s good and bad? Doesn’t it mean that humans only decide the existence of good and bad?
When you give anything of your possession to somebody in need, you do something called as good. That would be good? Wont is be? But if you steal something from someone, that would be bad. I agree to this point. But who decide whether that is good?
You want to know what is good and bad according to me? Well, I am on the search for that. Humans do bad things in their life which they call good, because they feel good. But let me tell that it is not good to affect your good feeling to others which run their lives.
People do good things, but still sometimes those good things might turn into nightmare for some other people. Does that mean that they are bad people? No, that doesn’t. It depends in your vibrations. If you have bad vibrations, and you do something good, then that might affect you in a bad way.
Have you ever wondered why some bad people become successful, while some good people always fail in their living? This is all game of life. Who control it is a mystery! Let’s hope for self-power, will-power, and mind-power, to keep doing things that does not affect people in bad way.


Lost in heaven or hell?

It is hell here
It is heaven here
But I am lost
Lost in my emotions
What should I choose?
Hell or heaven?
Good or evil?
I choose present
Because hell is here
Because heaven is here
Still everyone’s lost
Lost in their own self
In their own obsessions
Obsessions about their possessions
Does your possessions matter?
Or your karma?
I choose myself
I choose peace
I choose heaven for my mind
I choose hell for the bad
It is all here
Heaven and hell
It is all here
Your soul and heart
Choose your heart
Choose the inner beauty
It is unknown
The world is unknown
Unknown of the heaven
Unknown of the hell
We all live here
In heaven
And in hell
It is us
Who makes it heaven
And hell
It is us
Who makes ourselves
Choose to be you

A tribute to my bodyguard

He would wag his tail

Like a pampered boy living his dreams

He would walk as if

The whole world his under his paws

He was one of a kind

So loving, so caring

He would walk with me

When I was scared in the night’s watch

He would talk to me

As if he knows human’s language

He would call for me

Always with an empty stomach

He would sit outside my house

Waiting me to come and wrap him in my love

He would lie on the floor

Like a king commanding for his massage

I will miss you Broony

You will always stay in my heart

I should have taken better care of you

I should have…

But I didn’t

And now you have left your soul

Away from this world

In which you spread your innocent love

I will miss the way you would scare the bike riders

And come to me like a sacred bodyguard

You were like my Hachiko

You were my love

And you will always be my love

You sweet, huge, scary dog

I will remember you till the day I die

I will always remember you

As my bodyguard
