Wednesday, 29 April 2015


This is the thing without which you can neither learn, nor progress. This is the word that can destroy your world in a second, or, it can teach you to value your life. Everybody makes mistake. The main question is, whether you are afraid to make it! If you are afraid, boy, you won’t be able to take the step forward to your dreams.
There are two types of people, one who repeat a mistake, and the other who makes new mistake every time. I can tell that the successful people comes in the second type. If you are making new mistakes, that means you are moving forward, and that is what you want, don’t you?
Don’t be afraid of taking a step forward, just because you might make a mistake. Mistakes are meant to make, well, not repeat a mistake, and try not to make one, but you can’t erase the inevitable, can you?
So, go, live life, make mistakes, live mistakes, and learn from them, that’s how you will touch the sky, or get what you want.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Lost and found

I am lost

In the labyrinth of my mind

I can’t find

The soul that’s meant to be

The end

I don’t want it to come


The mess in my head

Take away

The lost things

I want

Them to be found

With time

I will be found


By myself

I want to

Find the base of an abyss

I want

By the core of my heart

To be found

And never get lost again


Sunday, 26 April 2015

The Right Time

Life is a twisty long path. You might want something now, and you would get it when you are not in need of that. But it knows how to twist you. Everything has its time, it might be right for you or wrong for you, but all life knows is, it is the boss!
Wait for the right time. You won’t regret the wait. Whether it be love, work, family, anything; there’s always a right time for everything.
What if you don’t wait for your true love, and you marry a person because you needed someone badly; but after 2-3 years, you meet your true love, and there itself, you know she’s the one for you. Have you thought, then, how many lives you would be destroying? Just because you were selfish, you ruined number of lives, including yours.
Everyone has their own time, they don’t need to find it, just recognize it, and believe in yourself. And for that, recognize what your heart wants, and not your desperate soul. You will get everything you need in there. Patience is all you need.

Monday, 6 April 2015


The most powerful weapon of every successful person – belief!
If you think you can’t do. You won’t be able to do, ever! If you think you can do, you know you will give your best to prove yourself right. This is the secret of human psychology!
Believe in yourself, even when you think you’ve got a dead end;
Believe in yourself, even when everything you’ve got is emptiness;
This is where the world breathes, on your beliefs;
This is where you find yourself;
Believe in yourself.