Wednesday, 3 August 2016

How to love a stranger!

There are 3 phases of life you go through when you meet a stranger. First, (let the stranger be male) he is interesting, since you are looking the world with a new pair of eyes. You are exploring the world a little more through someone else's other than your own self.
Second, you start to find little faults in him, that you didn’t see before. You think that he has changed. You start to get annoyed by his petty actions. You get bored of him. You compare him with every other stranger, and you realize that he is not the right guy for you.

Third phase is reached by fewer people, including only those who fight and stand with their loved ones. Here, you start to understand his heart instead of his actions. You understand why he is doing that. You fall in love with him again, with a small difference of maturity within you.

These were written as short as it could be. The crux is that don’t give up on him or her. If your heart says s/he is made for you, stand beside him/her, trust me, you will see more than you ever did.


Sunday, 17 July 2016

Epiphany of NOT Being LOST

Have you ever thought that you are lost? What you planned was failed! You couldn’t follow the path that you chose. Do you call that being lost?
What if I tell you that you were always meant to follow the path that you are in? Universe led you to the path that you are walking right now, and Universe wanted you to embrace the beauty of the path that It showed you. You will never know if the path you are following will lead to your destination or not, but you will always have your fate standing beside you, waiting for you to accept it the way it is. Everything happens for a reason! That reason might be good or bad, but there will always be a reason, you just have to look closer and with a lively heart.

I will tell you one of my stories, I was in a strange city, riding my bike, in a weather in which most couples would love to make out! My destination was away and by mistake, I chose the longer path than the right one, that I should have taken. I was afraid and lost, since it was starting to rain. While following the wrong path, I found a better way, a way away from the crowd and traffic, and honking of the fast-pacing lives. That was one of my best rides, amidst the pleasures of nature wrapping me away from the whole world.

Whenever you feel lost, enjoy the moment, live the wrong path, and you will realize that that was the path meant for you to walk on, you were never lost, you were just taken the better detour of your life.




Heartbreak is inevitable. You know why, because love is inevitable. You live to love, you live to make your soul shine in the light of other’s care and warmth. If you are one of those, who won’t agree, stop lying to yourself, because everyone needs someone, and that’s the fact. And what does love lead to? Heartbreak!
You can’t stop yourself getting attached to anyone, you can’t restrict your aura of love, you will always love someone at every moment of your life, and since we all humans will agree, life’s a bitch! It won’t go on as we would like it to, it will do its best to break us or make us.
So, don’t be afraid of heartbreaks, don’t be afraid of your heart falling for someone else. Heart is like a giving tree, it is meant to spread love around you, so let it spread!

Heartbreak has a tendency to acquaint every living being on this universe, you know why, to make you understand the meaning of love, to make you stronger, to prepare you for your relationship with your own self.

Keep loving yourself!
