There are 3 phases of life you go through when you meet a stranger. First, (let the stranger be male) he is interesting, since you are looking the world with a new pair of eyes. You are exploring the world a little more through someone else's other than your own self.
Second, you start to find little faults in him, that you didn’t see
before. You think that he has changed. You start to get annoyed by his petty
actions. You get bored of him. You compare him with every other stranger, and
you realize that he is not the right guy for you.
Third phase is reached by fewer people, including only those who fight
and stand with their loved ones. Here, you start to understand his heart instead
of his actions. You understand why he is doing that. You fall in love with him
again, with a small difference of maturity within you.
These were written as short as it could be. The crux is that don’t give
up on him or her. If your heart says s/he is made for you, stand beside
him/her, trust me, you will see more than you ever did.