Saturday, 4 January 2020

The Subtle Art of Saying No

“Hey, do you wanna go to the movies tonight?”

Your brother asks and it’s been a while you haven’t watched a movie in theaters. But there isn’t any good movie and you have more important stuff to do. Should you tag along? Or do the harder thing by saying no?

Sometimes saying no can become hard since you have been procrastinating these outdoor plans a lot lately, and you get afraid of losing people around you. Sometimes it’s important to sacrifice, but other times you got to learn to say no to unimportant stuff in your life.

When it comes to being busy, everyone is busy, because it depends on the priority of your life. Set those priorities! When you will be clear on what you like to do, what makes you happy, and where you wanna go next, you will be able to say no more adamantly.

But how to say no without hurting feelings? Well, you can lie at times, but there’s a huge risk of getting trapped in your own web of lies. So instead of lying, tell them the real reason, the vision (or at least a part of it), that keeps you awake. Most importantly, tell them the importance of your vision; and they should understand. Keeping your life minimal is crucial nowadays. With loads of distractions, ‘Live Before You Die’ philosophies; Will you be living if you keep saying no to everything? Well, maybe not. Saying no to everything would be bad, but you got to understand what you want from your life, from yourself, and what makes you happy, and you will be fine saying no.