Saturday, 30 August 2014


Success is a jubilant journey of life. Everybody wonders the definition of success, and today’s generation chases “success” more than searching the existence of God.

If you will ask 10 different people the meaning of success in their words, you will get 10 totally different answers, but with a similarity of owning large amount of money to be happy.

According to me, money can be a way to the happiness but not happiness itself. What do you think you can’t be successful at the present? When you haven’t fulfilled your dreams and owned a large house with a sedan car? Yes, you can be successful in the present also. Change your perceptions and you can change your life.

Success can be the journey of life, instead of being the destiny of life. Success can be the dedication of doing something new, whether you failed or won in your last efforts. Success can be somebody’s smile. Success can be your one dream leading to another dream. Success can be, your parents’ chest filled with proud of their children. Success can be peace of mind.

Buddha didn’t earn money in bulk. He was a yogi. Yet he was successful, because his wealth was his inner peace. You don’t have to be successful to die peacefully, rather you can be successful to live your life peacefully.

Live your dreams, rather chase them, but never run to become successful. Success is in your hearts; try to find it, and you will see how lucky you are to be successful in so little age.


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