Tuesday, 21 October 2014


A sense of presence never dies. It is here within our soul. Talking to us. Telling us the right path. But are we listening to it? Are we following our conscience? Or are we trained so much from the beginning that we doesn’t even know our real self?

We do what we were trained to do from our childhood. We were taught in our school to do the right thing. We were taught by our parents about the moral of living. We were nourished by our education about the world that we are living in. We were told everything and now… we don’t even bother to discover the truth by ourselves.

Let your knowledge eat some shit for some time, and then let yourself live in the world where you don’t know anything and you were born to discover your truth. The truth of living and the truth of the relationship between the soul and the heart.

Live your dreams man! You are not born as a human every day, and you definitely don’t fly everyday into the world of unknown.


Monday, 20 October 2014


You see what you want to see!

There is a place in your mind where you know the truth of everything and you understand the regions of your lives where you have been heart broken. Still, you filter your mind by ignoring the facts that might hurt you in some way. You wish to see only those things that you want to see. Whether it be happy things or sad things.

Ignorance can be your strength but it is a weakness for your perception of living in your own little world. To let go of your ignorance, you need to look to the world with a broad serene mentality. Look the world as a place where you are meant to be. Look the world as your aspirational journey of ups and downs, because this is meant to be!

Ignoring is a habit of living narrowly in the world full of different perceptions. Look beyond your own understanding, and you will slowly start looking closer to the real problems unfolding themselves in front of you.

Live beyond.


Thursday, 9 October 2014

Yup! This is LiFe!!

Life?? Emotions, feelings, pessimism, optimism, happiness, sadness, relations, desolation, triumph, pursuit, heart and soul. All are part of us. What if you numb yourself? What if you won’t feel anything? That would be good no? At least for a while. Just to be a zombie. Just do what you want to do. No outsiders to affect you. No reason to find for living, in this uncertain world.

I read a tagline of a company, ‘Experience Certainty’. I feel that ironical. How can you experience certainty in this uncertain world? You don’t know what tomorrow will bring to you. You have no idea what God will give you the next second; and still you want to experience certainty! Strange world!

This is living. When you let go of your emotions, but when you look inside your heart, you find so much hollowness, so much greediness! Your heart is greedy. Greedy for love, for attention, for care, and you would only know what else! Find yourself in yourself, and you will find reasons to live happily. You will know what you want from this world. And once you get aware of that, you will have that, no matter where life will take you!

Always remember my philosophy, “Your choices make you, and not your fate! Fate only gives you diverse opportunities, but it is only you who is responsible for becoming the person you are or what you will be!”


Thursday, 2 October 2014

Are you MoOdY??

If you will search for the definition of being moody, you will have the similar result as ‘subject to sharply varying moods’.
What they won’t tell is what it actually is! Every person in this world has gone through hard times. It might be their childhood, their family, their love relationships, or their career. There can be n number of possibilities of hard times. But if you are moody then it could be from your childhood experiences.
Being moody tells a lot about your emotional stability. If you are very moody, you are emotionally very unstable. You won’t know this thing, but your subconscious mind does know that. And if your subconscious mind is telling something to you, it can’t be wrong about you.
You need to first accept this thing, that you are emotionally unstable, from your heart. Then you can slowly overcome this weakness. How can you overcome it? That is on how you see world!
Childhood is the part of one’s life which you might not remember anything, but your heart has felt and healed scratches from it. It becomes something different, something more insecure and more afraid.
Try to know your heart more, instead of looking into someone else’s life. It is you who you has to live with all your life, and it is you who has to stand up again and again after falling repeatedly.
Love your life the way it is. Love yourself the way you are. And never stop improving the inner you.