Thursday, 9 October 2014

Yup! This is LiFe!!

Life?? Emotions, feelings, pessimism, optimism, happiness, sadness, relations, desolation, triumph, pursuit, heart and soul. All are part of us. What if you numb yourself? What if you won’t feel anything? That would be good no? At least for a while. Just to be a zombie. Just do what you want to do. No outsiders to affect you. No reason to find for living, in this uncertain world.

I read a tagline of a company, ‘Experience Certainty’. I feel that ironical. How can you experience certainty in this uncertain world? You don’t know what tomorrow will bring to you. You have no idea what God will give you the next second; and still you want to experience certainty! Strange world!

This is living. When you let go of your emotions, but when you look inside your heart, you find so much hollowness, so much greediness! Your heart is greedy. Greedy for love, for attention, for care, and you would only know what else! Find yourself in yourself, and you will find reasons to live happily. You will know what you want from this world. And once you get aware of that, you will have that, no matter where life will take you!

Always remember my philosophy, “Your choices make you, and not your fate! Fate only gives you diverse opportunities, but it is only you who is responsible for becoming the person you are or what you will be!”


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