Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Faraway Land

When your thoughts fly to the other side of the world, and your mind drifts away from the current breeze, you will know that you are on the faraway land.

When you look into the wonders of the magical world, and you have the feeling of running in vacuum, you will know that you are craving for the faraway land.

When your soul is trying to reach you, and all you do is lead it to the faraway land, then you have lost in that faraway land.

Lead yourself wherever you want, choose that path that leads to epic, and make your soul and heart merge into one. That faraway land might be your escape, but can’t be your life; when you think of running, think of the things you might be running from, think of all the memories that will haunt you after running, and think of the love that you might want to run away from, you might then understand how vital it is to choose the hard path, and develop a faraway land that is not very far from your destiny.


Friday, 21 August 2015

Everyone’s a teacher in the eyes of a child

When humans are little, they learn from everyone and everything because they don’t know how this world hides in itself. But when we, humans, become adults, we have our own theories and perceptions of our actions and reactions. But we forget that we have not grown enough for the world, we have not overtook the miracles of the universe, and there are more things to learn than you can even imagine.

Children are good teachers for adults, because they show the adults what they have long forgotten because of the setbacks by their lives; and one of the grand lessons is to make this place, called earth, to be your place of curiosity and lovability.


Monday, 17 August 2015

Live to the best

You have 2 ways to live your life, either live long and boring, or live less but as your heart says, the only thing matters is that you should love your life. You might love whomever you want, this might bring heartbreaks to you, but you would know that you listened to your heart, and that won’t be a regret. You might learn millions of different lessons, but at least you learned them, unlike others, who are still afraid to take any step in the fear of failure or loss; and when your time will be up, you will know that you did all those things that you wanted to do.

Many people entrap themselves in the war between their mind and heart. I understand that listening to our heart is not always the preferable option, because life is not always sunshine, but you will know that when your heart says something, it has a hard-core reason.
