Monday, 17 August 2015

Live to the best

You have 2 ways to live your life, either live long and boring, or live less but as your heart says, the only thing matters is that you should love your life. You might love whomever you want, this might bring heartbreaks to you, but you would know that you listened to your heart, and that won’t be a regret. You might learn millions of different lessons, but at least you learned them, unlike others, who are still afraid to take any step in the fear of failure or loss; and when your time will be up, you will know that you did all those things that you wanted to do.

Many people entrap themselves in the war between their mind and heart. I understand that listening to our heart is not always the preferable option, because life is not always sunshine, but you will know that when your heart says something, it has a hard-core reason.


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