Friday, 24 June 2016

Social Media

In the world of unknown faces and uncertain circumstances, we are certain of one thing, what is cool and what we need to do to be accepted in the society of fake: Post all your life on all the networking sites! People, nowadays, don’t think about their needs, their wishes or what brings them the true happiness, but they are worried whether other people find their lives more interesting and happening. Let me ask you one question, even if others find your life better than theirs, because you post your infinite photos, would they help you in your bad times? Will they be with you when you would be in need of a true friend? Ask yourself this question, ask yourself what your heart deserves, not what you think others would think of you; they won’t be there when you would ask them to be, they won’t spread their arms to console you when you would have a heart break, and their shoulders won’t be besides you when you would cry. Use social media as it was meant to be used, spread your knowledge, spread love, spread concerns, and for God’s sake, stop spreading the intensity of your fake life. Your true friends would rather be more interesting in your real life, instead of your fake one, no matter how much messed up and downtrodden you would be. Live like you are supposed to, that’s what is called living. Isn’t it?



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