Sunday, 30 November 2014

Life is not a Playground

When we were born, everything was so easy. Just play around, be in your own world and love what is around you. When we grew up, we started knowing the reality of our surroundings. Well, at least what we think was reality! We came to the conclusion that life is difficult, and we started missing our childhood because then we didn’t understand the cruelty of the world and we were happy, no matter in what conditions we were born in.

I wish life was a playground. You just had to chit-chat a little with other children, and they would have been your best friends for life. No lies. No betrayal. No backstabbing. No – a lots of things.

Life is difficult. Isn’t it? You won’t know what lies ahead of you. You are happy now, and a moment later, your life will be ruined. You are laughing now, and a moment later, you will be numb out of your pain.

I wish life were a little bit easy. Not very much, as that would snatch the feeling of invaluable jubilancy. But just a little bit. Where I could know where my happiness lies. Where I could pursue my happiness. Where I could keep my happiness. Where my happiness would have no outsiders. No sins. Just angels of Gods.

Still this is life. Isn’t it? However difficult it might be. However strong it might want us to be. This is what we have to stay happy with. This is what we have to mark our name to.


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